The Notebook

In an exhilarating coding challenge, I developed a minimalistic Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework and built a blogging platform on top of it within a stringent 6-hour deadline. The project showcases efficient site configuration, powerful templating, secure architecture, streamlined dependency management, and robust request handling.


Composer · Data Modeling · Web Application Development · Software Design Patterns · Programming · PHP · MySQL · Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) · Software Architecture · Back-End Web Development

More about the project

In an exhilarating coding challenge, I developed a minimalistic Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework and built a blogging platform on top of it within a stringent 6-hour deadline. The project showcases efficient site configuration, powerful templating, secure architecture, streamlined dependency management, and robust request handling.

Key Features:

Seamless Site Configuration:
I architected a smart solution for loading site configurations through a .env file. This not only ensures the secure handling of sensitive information but also maintains a clean and organized codebase.

Powerful Templating Engine:
I integrated the Blade templating engine from Laravel into my custom framework. This engine allows for the efficient separation of concerns, providing a more intuitive and streamlined development process.

Secure Site Root:
I enhanced the security by employing a front controller located in a public directory as the site’s entry point. This architecture protects sensitive files such as the .env file and other source directories from unauthorized access.

Composer Autoloading:
I adopted Composer PSR-4 autoloading to simplify dependency management and facilitate seamless integration with external libraries or packages, adhering to industry best practices.

Efficient Request Handling:
I built a robust request handler to efficiently manage incoming requests. This component supports flexible routing, enabling the development of clean, concise, and maintainable code.

Class-Based Controllers:
To promote code organization and reusability, I utilized class-based controllers. This design pattern improves code readability, encourages the separation of concerns, and facilitates the effective implementation of business logic.

Reliable Database Connectivity:
I developed a database connector employing the singleton pattern to ensure a single access point to the database, optimizing efficiency and minimizing resource conflicts.